Saturday, 25 May 2013

Location of Squadron Insignia on Yellow Pre-SARCUP 113s

Location of Squadron Insignia on Yellow Pre-SARCUP CH-113 and CH-113As

Yellow pre-SARCUP Voyageurs and Labradors had squadron insignia affixed in two official locations, one of which was only short lived.  The first location was the same as with the red, white and blue Labradors, that being at the forward part of the fuselage below the forward point of the stripe.  

Yellow pre-SARCUP Labrador 301 without any Squadron official crest on right any location. DND Photo

This Boeing Arnprior photo may be somewhat leading as the aircraft is fresh from receiving its' yellow paint so while it does not show any squadron markings, it will likely receive them once returned to its' squadron.

Labrador 302 with an official unit crest for 103 RESCUE UNIT forward of the right side door and below the tip of the lightning bolt. Photo - Randy Brown

Pre-SARCUP Labrador 303 of 442 Squadron without squadron markings on left side. Photo Robert Harrington

303 With the official squadron crest forward of the right side door and below the tip of the lightning stripe. Photo - Ted Brown

Labrador 305 With black RESCUE titles and blade style HF antenna, but no squadron crest on left side. Photo Boeing Arnprior

Labrador 305 on the ramp at Gander with the 103 RU crest in standard location of the era... ahead of the right front door and below the tip of the lightning bolt. DND Photo

Again 305 with the black RESCUE titles and no squadron crest, likely because the aircraft is still at Boeing Arnprior, the source of the picture.

Labrador 306 without any left side markings.

Pre-SARCUP Voyageur 307 without any squadron markings. Because the helicopter is at Boeing Arnprior it is unclear which squadron the aircraft is going to. It is also presumable that the crest will be applied once the bird is at the unit. Photo Patrick Martin

Voyageur 308 before SARCUP days with white wheel rims, but not squadron markings on the left side.

DND Photo of Voyageur 308 with black RESCUE titles, but no left side squadron markings. In the photo, 308 is inbound to the 8 hangar ramp of 413 Squadron when 413 was still in Summerside, PEI.

Pre-SARCUP Voyageur wearing the 442 Squadron official crest in front of the right front door and below the tip of the lightning bolt. The crest in this photo appears to be further ahead of the door than the crests in photos of 302 and 305. In fact there seems to be some difference between all three pictures even though the differences appear to be small.

Voyageur 308 without its' CPI. The photo was taken while I was with 442 and after a flight inwhich we lost the CPI in flight. Note there is no right side Squadron markings. Photo Randy Brown

Quality picture showing Voyageur 315 with a 413 Squadron crest just below the tip of the left side lightning bolt.

Voyageur 315 in 442 Squadron's No. 1 hangar without a left side squadron crest. Photo Patrick Martin

Voyageur 316 in front of the Base Rescue Flight hangar in Goose Bay with a left side 413 Squadron official crest. Photo Lou Vautour

Voyageur 316 doing confined area landings at the lighthouse in Summerside harbour. Without a squadron crest on the right side and most photos showing 413 pre-SARCUP Voyageurs with an official squadron crest on the left side, the modeler looking for accuracy will need to study photos closely to ensure they matched the right aircraft to the right squadron when placing the crest.

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